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スペシャルレッスン B來縮圄_窮唹寄畠



スペシャルレッスン B來縮圄

嗽兆: Special lesson: hentai sei-kyoiku

擬處: 恃儲勉隠

園丞: 柏學酎

麼處: 斡紗栂徨/互糴/梳弥蚋酸/易寒劾徨

崙頭忽社/仇曝: 晩云

囂冱: 晩囂

貧啌晩豚: 1990-09

IMDb全俊: tt0291494


Lesbian-themed tale of a schoolgirl who entices her gullible (not to mention slightly warped) female teacher by positing that they are predestined to dance together on the day the world ends. The screenplay was titled "The Gods Have a Nervous Breakdown," which should give some idea of the symbiotic descent into psychosexual dementia that ensues. Rei Takaki co-stars with Shoichiro Sakata and Asako Shirakawa. (Robert Firsching, All Movie Guide)