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Drive Well, Sleep Carefully: On the Road with Death Cab for Cutie_电影大全



Drive Well, Sleep Carefully: On the Road with Death Cab for Cutie

导演: Justin Mitchell

主演: 本杰明·吉巴德/Nick Harmer/Jason McGerr

类型: 纪录片/音乐

制片国家/地区: 美国

语言: 英语

上映日期: 2005-07-26

片长: USA: 86 分钟(DVD version)

IMDb链接: tt0473352


Drive Well, Sleep Carefully joins Death Cab for Cutie on tour in the spring of 2004. Filmmaker Justin Mitchell captured dozens of shows across the country and interviewed the band at length in their hometown of Seattle, WA. Shot entirely on 16mm film, the live footage is mixed with candid conversations about the creative process, the band's dedication to their work and life on the road.
  很難不去喜歡Death Cab For Cutie這個紅透半邊天的樂團。
  流暢的旋律,朗朗上口的歌詞,主唱Ben Gibbard充滿故事的歌詞,動靜皆宜。不管是青春洋溢的歌曲或是小情歌,總是容易讓心揪一下,不管是感同身受的感傷還是跟著快樂起來。Drive Well, Sleep Carefully是Death Cab For Cutie第一張收集了各場演出以及訪談的DVD,以及樂團各團員的真心大告白,還有生活花絮(例如打籃球)。巡迴的時候想念家鄉的感覺、永遠馬不停蹄的在公路上奔馳、原本一年只該唱兩次的New Year(收錄在第四張專輯Transatlanticism)卻唱了五千多次。每個樂手帥氣的動作,不跟著動也難。